Environmental education, agricultural soil regeneration experiments and public relations in the Lands of Biosphere area
Educazione ambientale, sperimentazioni agricole di rigenerazione del suolo e pubbliche relazioni nell’area delle Terre della Biosfera
ENG – Giacche Verdi Bronte in synergy with the Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung foundation are promoting a two-year climate protection project from August 2021, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Economic Affairs and Climate Action within its EUKI programme. The implementation sees the important involvement of volunteers and international students from the Erasmus programme. Focusing on the topic of humus as a carbon sink, the project aims at environmental education and awareness-raising using scientifically supported field studies by the University of Catania team.
Project activities
We are testing and communicating humus production in farms and private gardens through the return of organic matter to the soil and specific agricultural practices that sequester carbon and enrich soil biodiversity and fertility. Together with scientists and farmers, we implement good practices for climate- and biodiversity-friendly organic farming in our experimental sites, contributing to Sicily’s strategic plan for the new agricultural policy (CAP).
As part of an awareness-raising campaign on the value of humus, we provide suggestions for authorities on the creation of a regional composting system for organic waste. Environmental education reaches approximately 4,500 school children and their families. In two phases, lessons take place directly in classrooms and composting sites take place in schoolyards. Through public relations, we encourage families to compost their organic waste.
Volunteers and interns from foreign (mostly European) countries take part in all activities – as helpers, students and creative collaborators, who bring new insights and experiences as multipliers in their home countries.
ITA – Le Giacche Verdi Bronte in sinergia con la fondazione Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung avviano un progetto biennale di protezione del clima a partire da Agosto 2021, finanziato dal Ministero Federale Tedesco per l’Economia e le Azioni climatiche nell’ambito del suo programma EUKI. La realizzazione vede l’importante coinvolgimento di volontari e studenti internazionali del programma Erasmus. Focalizzandosi sul tema dell’humus come deposito di carbonio, il progetto mira all’educazione e sensibilizzazione ambientale avvalendosi di studi sul campo scientificamente supportati dal team dell’Università di Catania.
Attività del progetto
Stiamo testando e comunicando la produzione di humus nelle fattorie e nei giardini privati attraverso il ritorno di materia organica nel terreno e pratiche agricole specifiche che sequestrano il carbonio e arricchiscono la biodiversità e la fertilità del suolo. Insieme a scienziati e agricoltori, implementiamo buone pratiche per un’agricoltura biologica rispettosa del clima e della biodiversità nei nostri siti sperimentali, contribuendo al piano strategico della Sicilia per la nuova politica agricola (PAC).
Nell’ambito di una campagna di sensibilizzazione sul valore dell’humus, forniamo suggerimenti per le autorità inerenti la creazione di un sistema regionale di compostaggio dei rifiuti organici. L’educazione ambientale raggiunge circa 3.000 bambini delle scuole e le loro famiglie. In due fasi, le lezioni si svolgono direttamente nelle aule e i siti di compostaggio hanno luogo nei cortili delle scuole. Attraverso le pubbliche relazioni, incoraggiamo le famiglie a compostare i propri rifiuti organici.
Volontari e stagisti provenienti da paesi stranieri (per lo più europei) prendono parte a tutte le attività – in veste di aiutanti, studenti e collaboratori creativi, che porteranno nuove intuizioni ed esperienze come moltiplicatori nei loro paesi d’origine.

“Soil arthropod biodiversity comparison between two agroecosystems in Bronte (Sicily)”
Study conducted by GV Erasmus trainees Monika Szafraniec, Gersey Vargas, Aurora Martín González within the Humus project
Physical, chemical and biological parameters for the analysis of soil quality
Document drafted by GV Collaborators within Humus project: Alessandro Rigano (Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment – University of Catania); Andrea Zimone (Master’s Degree in Environmental Biology, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences – University of Catania)
Design of ideas for a still unfinished master thesis on syntropicagriculture
Study conducted by GV Erasmus trainee Jonathan Scharf within the Humus project
Study and comparison of herb biodiversity in Pure Pine Forest and mixed Pine-Oak Forest in Monte Egitto on Mount Etna
Study conducted by GV Erasmus trainee Himanshu within the Humus project
First small experimental and literature study by on the production of bio char and Terra Preta
Conducted by GV Erasmus Trainee Julia Kleinlein
Following studies on Terra Preta and biochar production
Conducted by GV Erasmus Trainees Linda Schnabel and Ying Huang
First steps in the production of “Effective Microorganisms” – Antoine Valleé (Erasmus French student of GV) and Loretta Miehle (GV German Volunteer)
The Impacts of “Effective Microorganisms” and Sauerkraut on Earthworm Growth – Study conducted by Antoine Valleé, French erasmus student of GV
The Impacts of “Effective Microorganisms” on Potted Vicia faba and a Fodder Crop Field – Study conducted by Antoine Valleé, French erasmus student of GV
Documentario: “La Sicilia fuori dai sentieri conosciuti” – Bayerische Rundfunk http://www.terrebiosfera.org/?p=2867
PowerPoint Presentation (Primary School) – Humus per la Biosfera project
ITA/ENG – http://www.terrebiosfera.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ITA_ENG_FINAL-PP-FOR-HUMUS-PER-LA-BIOSFERA-FINAL.ppt
DE – http://www.terrebiosfera.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/FINAL-PP-FOR-HUMUS-PER-LA-BIOSFERA-german.ppt
TUR – http://www.terrebiosfera.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/TUR_FINAL-PP-FOR-HUMUS-PER-LA-BIOSFERA-FINAL-2.pptx
POL – http://www.terrebiosfera.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/HUMUS-PER-LA-BIOSFERA-FINALPolish-subtitles.pptx
IND – http://www.terrebiosfera.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/FINAL-PP-FOR-HUMUS-PER-LA-BIOSFERA-FINAL_HINDI.pptx
CHN – http://www.terrebiosfera.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/FINAL-PP-FOR-HUMUS-PER-LA-BIOSFERA-FINAL-Chinese.pptx
CZH – http://www.terrebiosfera.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/humus-per-la-biosfera-CZE_ENG_IT.ppt
PowerPoint Presentation (Middle School Version) – Humus per la Biosfera project